full mouth rehabilitation in marlow, buckinghamshire

Restore full function, health and aesthetics with Full Mouth Rehabilitation in Marlow.

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About Full Mouth Rehabilitaion in Marlow

If you have multiple dental issues, broken teeth, decay, bite problems, or missing teeth, full mouth rehabilitation may be the best way to restore your oral health to all its former glory.

full mouth rehabilitation in marlow

What treatments does a Full Mouth Rehabilitation include?

Full mouth rehabilitation can involve various approaches.

It may consist solely of dental implants, or it can include a combination of crowns on natural teeth and implants to replace missing teeth, as well as bridges. Additionally, the rehabilitation can involve a mix of crowns, bridges, and dentures.

When designed as an interlocking system, this approach is known as combination prosthodontics. Alternatively, traditional dentures or chrome dentures can also be used in the rehabilitation process.

Treatments may encompass a range of dental procedures, including root canal treatments, extractions, and fillings.

marlow full mouth rehabilitation

Who needs Full Mouth Rehabilitation?

A full mouth rehabilitation is necessary when there are multiple issues affecting your oral health. If these problems are not addressed, they may lead to further complications in the future. Whether your goals are to relieve pain, improve your ability to eat, or boost your confidence when smiling, it is essential to tackle all these aspects.

full mouth rehabilitation in marlow

Benefits of Full Mouth Rehabilitation

In a full mouth rehabilitation, we focus on all the teeth in your mouth rather than treating a single tooth that is functioning well among a set of problematic teeth. The primary objective is to enhance chewing capacity by improving your bite and aesthetics, helping you regain a sense of normalcy in your life.

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Your Investment

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Meet Dr Thomas Norlin

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Suffer from dental anxiety or nervous about your dental visits? At our dental practice in Marlow, we offer hypnosis as a way to combat dental anxiety.

Within dentistry, hypnosis has both therapeutic and operative uses. At Marlow Dental Centre, our hypnosis service offers a therapeutic approach to dealing with dental phobia and anxiety.

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Our dental practice in Marlow is located at a convenient 2-min drive/7-min walk from Marlow Station.

Our Marlow dental practice also consists of a few parking spaces on the premises; with more parking facilities available at Institute Rd Car Park (1-min walk), Liston Rd (7-min walk).

We are a wheelchair and accessibility-friendly practice. Please feel free to contact our reception for more information on how we have made our practice as accessible as possible.

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Our dental practice in Marlow operates the following opening hours:

  • Monday: 9 am–5 pm
  • Tuesday: 9 am–5 pm
  • Wednesday: 9 am–6 pm
  • Thursday: 9 am–5 pm
  • Friday: 9 am–5 pm
  • Saturday/Sunday/Bank Holidays: Closed

New to the Marlow area?

If you are looking for a reputable and trusted dental practice in and around areas including Marlow, Bourne End, Bovingdon Green, Bisham & Cookham; join our dental practice in Marlow today.

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At Marlow Dental Centre, we are committed to offering quality dental treatments in Marlow, Buckinghamshire at a fair price.

Explore our fee guide or get in touch with reception to discuss your treatment with your dentist.

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At our dental practice in Marlow, we accept dental referrals for a range of treatments.

Get in touch with our reception to refer a patient or make a self-referral.
